Art contests - are they an artist’s score or total scam? Perhaps you have seen a call to art such as this one and at first got really excited, after all what mural or street artist doesn’t get excited about designing a fresh wall. We see successful billion dollar companies put out design contest for murals, logos, tee-shirts, beer cans, and more. Surely large companies wouldn’t be scamming artists right? Wrong. And here are FOUR reasons why and what we can do about it.
Surprise Live Wedding Painting: Cake Moment.
Rachel and Cody’s gorgeous live wedding paint of their first dance.
Capturing Memories in Real-Time Art. Find out why and how to commission a painter successfully for your wedding, auction, party, or corporate event.
his mural is only possible through the Greater Columbus Art’s Council’s award of their Mural Assistance Grant, I can not thank them enough for their unwavering support of Columbus’ artists and am deeply honored to have been a chosen muralist.